7th Volume of AfriTVET journal Published


We wish to inform member of the public that the seventh volume of AfriTVET journal has been published and now it is available in print and on our online portal. The issue contains research based papers that were presented at the RVTTI International TVET and Interdisciplinary Conference held  virtualy on June 2021 . For individuals and Libraries intending to arquire this copy can get in contact with the Agnes Rono Managing Editor, AfriTVET journal or Mr Daniel Mogonchi at info@afritvet.org and copied to afritvetjournal@rvti.ac.ke or info@rvti.ac.ke.

We wish to thank the authors whose work made it into the volume for timely ammendments and consistency with the laid down policies of the Afritvet Journal. For those whoose works did not make it, We advice them to respond to the remarks made by reviewers and get in touch with the managing editor for inclusion of their works in our future issues