Decent Employment in Tanzania: Is it Technical, Soft or Green Skills

  • Dr Charles Raphael Mbeya University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Technical skills, Soft skills, Green skills, Decent Employment


Youth decent employment is currently a national priority in Tanzania due to her large and growing youth cohort into a labour market that currently offers too few prospects. This growth is challenged by poor quality jobs as the growing youth population is without the education, skills, and experience demanded by a new economy. As a result, Tanzania youth remain trapped largely in informal work and low-skilled jobs. This paper therefore assessed the influence of technical, soft and green skills on decent employment among the youth in Tanzania. It specifically examines the knowledge level of technical, soft and green skills among the youth graduates in Tanzania; determines the extent to which the youth graduates are prepared in technical, soft and green Skills in Tanzania; evaluates the influence of technical, soft and green skills on decent employment in Tanzania. This study was approached quantitatively based on explanatory survey design. Data were collected using questionnaire from 350 youth graduates and 150 employers sampled using stratified simple random technique. The collected data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics and Multiple Linear Regressions. The findings show that, the youth graduates had high level of knowledge on technical skills but low level of knowledge in soft and green skills. Furthermore, the youth graduates are prepared to the large extent in technical skills while they are prepared in very small extent in soft and green skills. Technical, soft and green skills were found positive and significant for decent employment among the youth graduates in Tanzania. The study recommends that, the colleges, institutes and universities should emphatically instill technical, soft and green skills to their respective youth graduates before they graduate.

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How to Cite
Raphael, D. C. (2021). Decent Employment in Tanzania: Is it Technical, Soft or Green Skills. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 6(1), 46-59.