The Traditional Cook Stoves and the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya

  • Biwott Caroline Karatina University, Karatina, Kenya
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, cook-stoves, Energy, Environment


The achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is hampered by slow adoptions of new technologies. The Improved cook-stove has been designed to offer many benefits that lead to the achievement of food security, and the green, renewable and affordable fuel dimensions of the SDGs. However, there is low adoption of improved cook-stoves among the rural populations in Kenya. The rural population still rely on traditional cook-stoves. This study therefore sought to analyse how the traditional cook­ stove is not fully contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals as it should. The Research Questions of the study were: What are the socio - economic realities of the communities in the use of cook stoves? What are the aspects in the traditional cook-stoves that do not allow it to fully contribute towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Uasin Gishu County? The study utilised Qualitative research approach and it is a case study of U asin Gishu County in Kenya. There were 20 respondents for the study who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data was collected using interviews and observation data generation tools. The data was then analysed qualitatively using the thematic data analysis. The study reviewed the theoretical and empirical literature on the traditional cook-stoves. The secondary data was then analysed to determine how the traditional cook-stove is a barrier to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). From the study findings, the study concludes that to a large extent the traditional cook-stove is a barrier to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) especially in issues related to poverty, health, energy, climate change and sustainable forest management. It is anticipated that the study will be significant in emphasising the adoption of improved cook-stoves and the use of Biogas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or other alternative cooking energy. The study will also have policy implications for energy and environment conservation in Kenya as well as promote the achievement of Sustainable Developments Goals.

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Author Biography

Biwott Caroline, Karatina University, Karatina, Kenya

School of Business


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How to Cite
Caroline, B. (2021). The Traditional Cook Stoves and the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 6(1), 168-180.