Building Resilient Models for TVET Trainers Beyond COVID 19: A Trainers’ Perspective
Due to the on-set of COVID 19 in China in 2019 and later in Kenya in March 2020 online training was introduced in TVET institutions so that learning could take place when physical classes were suspended in order to contain the spread of the virus. Trainers in TVET were tasked with the responsibility of developing training material, planning methods to approach students, providing guidance to students as well as assessing the competencies of their students. The shift to online training resulted in trainers spending more time on planning and increased amount of written individual feedback. The net result was increased teachers workload. The current study reviewed the existing regulatory framework relating to TVET in Kenya and made proposals towards building resilient models of TVET beyond COVID 19. A descriptive survey method was used and 200 members drawn from Kabete National Polytechnic took part in this study. Random sampling was used to select trainers while purposive sampling was used to select administrative staff. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses the need for emphasis on digital skills for trainers as well as a policy for distance and online training beyond the COVID 19 crisis was demonstrated. There is need for deliberate efforts towards the professional development of TVET trainers especially in regards to digital skills. Successful online training requires synergy from the government, managers of TVET institutions, trainers and even trainees
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