Structuring Supply Chain Sustainability in the Selected Tertiary Institutions in Kenya amidst COVID 19 Disruptions

  • Everline Chebet Technical University of Mombasa & Koitaleel Samoei University College, Kapsabet
  • Charles K. Chogo Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya
Keywords: Supply Chain Sustainability, digitalization, policy formulation, TISM


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unmeasured disruptions and challenges to the supply chain both in public and private Institutions not only in Kenya, but Globally. Public institutions are characterized by regulations which tend to be more procedural than sustainable. Supply chain sustainability in public institutions and tertiary ones in specific, are vital for a long-term growth of education in the country since the government has invested heavily in ensuring an equitable education in Kenya. This research paper theorized the structure of a sustainable supply chain in TVET Institutions in Kenya amidst the disruptions caused by COVID 19 pandemic. The structural illustrations for supply chain sustainability in this study were supply chain agility and supply chain virtualization while policy formulation was used as the moderating variable on supply chain sustainability in the selected tertiary institutions in Kenya. The study adopted the efficient supply chain analytical structures such as the Pareto Analysis and Total Interpretive Structural Model for theoretical underpinnings. The respondents of this study were procurement managers and data were collected virtually through google forms structured in the Five Likert Scale format. The study findings revealed that supply chain agility was lacking in the selected Tertiary institutions; Supply chain virtualization were uncommon, while there was no policy on supply chain agility and policy on supply chain sustainability among the selected tertiary institutions in Kenya. The study recommended a structural policy formulation for agile supply chain and virtualization of supply activities in the tertiary institutions in Kenya.

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How to Cite
Chebet, E., & Chogo, C. (2022). Structuring Supply Chain Sustainability in the Selected Tertiary Institutions in Kenya amidst COVID 19 Disruptions. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 7(1), 95-110.