Learning Outcomes of the Usage of E-learning Systems in TVET during COVID 19 Pandemic: The Case Study of Kenya Technical Trainers College, Kenya
Learning outcomes is a key concept in the design of e-learning system usage in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into major aspects disrupting the education sector landscape limiting students’ ability to access learning across the country, which greatly affected their learning outcomes. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, there are significant shifts towards e-learning usage across the education sector to enhance trainee equality, inclusivity, transferability and recognition of qualifications at different levels to achieve better future learning outcomes. Therefore, the paper focuses on the learning outcomes of the usage of e-learning systems in TVET during COVID-19 Pandemic with an objective to establish the trainee's learning outcomes in the e-learning system adoption and use in the TVET system. A case study of Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) was adopted with the target population of 118 school-based advanced diploma technical teacher business education trainees. The objective of the study was to determine the trainee's learning outcomes from e-learning system adoption and use in enhancing trainee equality and inclusivity in the TVET system in the era of a COVID 19 pandemic. The study employed a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument was employed to a sample of 91 school-based advanced diploma technical teacher business education trainees, analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, and presented using frequencies in tabular form. The study found out that while trainees appreciated learning that leveraged appropriate e-learning technologies as certainly desirable, it did not necessarily affect trainees learning outcomes. The study concluded that learning assistance outcomes and academic performance outcomes are not certainly influenced by e-learning system adoption and use in the TVET system. The study recommended that the increased usage of e-learning systems might not lead to more effective learning outcomes, thus, efforts should be put into designing courses utilizing e-learning systems so that the trainees can learn effectively to achieve their learning outcomes.
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