Development of a New Model for an e-RPL System Quality Evaluation: A Case Study of Kenya Technical Trainers College

  • Leanzs Mahangilu Ligale Kenya Technical Trainers College, Nairobi, Kenya
Keywords: eLearning, Quality, Content, eRPL, RPL


The education sector just like any other formal sectors has been largely affected by the emergence of new forms of technology, which present both opportunities and challenges. Quintessentially, many educational institutions have embraced the use of technology from a one-dimensional aspect of the prospects of technology in the formal learning while disregarding the challenges presented in integrating the use of technology in teaching and learning in non-formal and informal settings. Specifically, educational institutions have disregarded the role of embracing quality in the design and implementation of eLearning systems in the non-formal and informal education systems. Adopting a quantitative approach, this research aims at evaluating the development of a new model of enhancing quality in the design of electronic Recognition of Prior Learning (eRPL) system in the informal education setting by modifying the eLearning Quality Framework (EQF). Questionnaires were used to collect data from a total of 140 students enrolled at Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) in order to establish the determinants of quality in eLearning systems for eRPL. Descriptive statistics and weighting factor analysis were undertaken on the data collected. Results from the analysis indicate that quality in eLearning is mainly determined by the following; content design, eLearning system quality, learner experiences and social support, technology factors, assessment and evaluation and institutional factors. In terms of importance it is recommended that the designers should put more emphasis on providing the following quality parameters in the eLearning system; up-to-date content, supported by multiple mobile devices, offers easy navigation of learning experiences, offers and is available on a 24/7 hours basis, has the ability to accurately store assessment data and ensures that the service provider has enough resources to implement eLearning. It is recommended that future research should focus on exploring how interactive and intelligent emerging technologies such as Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence can be infused in the design of quality and responsive eRPL systems.

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How to Cite
Ligale, L. (2023). Development of a New Model for an e-RPL System Quality Evaluation: A Case Study of Kenya Technical Trainers College. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 8(1), 38-51. Retrieved from