Teaching Factory Concept in TVET

  • Eric Okoth Ogur The Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi
Keywords: TVET, Teaching Factory, Teaching Concepts


The Teaching Factory concept in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is an innovative approach to instruction that seeks to provide students with hands-on, project- based learning experiences in a simulated industrial setting. The goal of this research is to examine the feasibility and effectiveness of the Teaching Factory concept in TVET by exploring its benefits, challenges, and limitations. A survey questionnaire was administered to a sample of industry partners, parents, faculty and students to gather information and opinions about the Teaching Factory concept. The survey results revealed that the participants had a general understanding of the concept and viewed it as a valuable approach to instruction. They identified the main benefits of the Teaching Factory concept as providing students with practical skills, preparing them for the workforce, and fostering innovation and creativity. The survey results also revealed that the main challenges and limitations of the Teaching Factory concept are the high cost of equipment and infrastructure, the lack of trained personnel, and the difficulty of integrating the concept into existing curriculum. In addition to the survey, case studies of successful Teaching Factory implementations in TVET were also analyzed to assess the outcomes and impact of the concept. The case studies showed that the Teaching Factory concept was effective in providing students with practical skills and preparing them for the workforce. It also showed that the concept was successful in fostering innovation and creativity, and engaging students in their learning. The results of this research suggest that the Teaching Factory concept in TVET is a feasible and effective approach to instruction. However, the implementation of the concept requires addressing the challenges and limitations identified in this research, such as high costs and the need for trained personnel. Further research is needed to explore the long-term impact and effectiveness of the Teaching Factory concept in TVET.

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How to Cite
Ogur, E. (2023). Teaching Factory Concept in TVET. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 8(1), 52-65. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2023.81159