Training Opportunities and Youth Participation in Development Agenda in Kenya

  • Musabi Antony Barasa Sigalagala National Polytechnic, Kenya
Keywords: Training opportunities, Youth Participation


Youth participation in county development projects continues to worsen, even though they form the majority of the population. The reasons as to why youth have been reluctant to be engaged in development agenda and are pushed to periphery of decision making despite their massive numbers has escalated debate among scholars and researchers on what determines youth participation in development projects. The study examined the influence of training opportunities on young people participation in county development agenda with the particular focus on the rationale for their participation behaviors. The target population was 2000 youths with sample size 333. Explanatory survey research design was used to show cause effect relationship between training opportunities and youth participation. Structured questionnaires were used and researcher tested validity of instruments by discussing them with experts. Reliability was tested using cronbach alpha for consistency of data. Test / retest technique was done during pilot testing to test reliability of research instruments. SPSS was used for data analysis, presentation done using tables for easier communication of findings. The study findings revealed a positive high correlation between training opportunities and youth participation in Development projects (R= 0.79). This further showed that training opportunities positively influenced youth participation in development projects in Kakamega County. In conclusion, training increased youth participation in development agenda in Kakamega County. From the study results, it was recommended that government formulates policy measures and programs that champion creation of training opportunities for youth so as to involve them in development projects. This study will mitigate existing different and conflicting opinions on the training opportunities and youth participation in development.

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How to Cite
Barasa, M. (2023). Training Opportunities and Youth Participation in Development Agenda in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 8(1), 101-110.