Effects of Food Prices on Dietary Intake of Pre-Primary Children in Low Income Peri-Urban Households in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

  • Jane Wahu University of Eldoret, Eldoret
  • Violet Mugalava University of Eldoret, Eldoret
Keywords: Food Price, Dietary intake, Pre-primary, Children, Low income


Unpredictable fluctuations in food prices have direct impact on household’s income, which negatively affect dietary intake while raising the risk of malnutrition. The objective of the study was to determine the food price effects on dietary intake of pre-primary children in low-income peri- urban households in Eldoret municipality. A descriptive survey was used with a sample size of 399 low-income households. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from caregivers. Majority of the respondents, 282 (70.6%) were married. About 279(69.9%) had tertiary level education. Most (140(35.2%)) of the households had a monthly wage above Kenya Shillings (KShs) 21000, KShs 16000-20000 at 103(25.8%) with only 15(3.7%) having wage of KShs 1000 to 5000. Majority of households 257(64.6%) had more than 4 members. About 332(83.2%) of the households consumed 3 meals a day. Only 174 (43.6%) of the households consumed snacks during the day. Over half of the respondents, 334 (83.60%) had made major changes in their dietary intake over the past one year. Majority 375 (94.3%) significantly increased intake of staple foods while reducing the number of meals taken a day 280 (70.2%) as a result of increased food prices. Household head unemployment, increased household expenditure and decline in food supplies from friends and relatives all indicated a statistically significant association with the quality of dietary intake (p-value=0.00). Linear logistic regression analysis showed that change in the food price negatively affected the dietary intake at p=0.446. Furthermore, decrease in food supplies from friends and relatives led to decrea sed quality and adequacy of diet taken by the households and vice versa (p-value<0.05). From the findings, food prices affected the dietary intake of pre-primary children in low-income households. The study recommends that the government should cushion the populace against hunger by giving money monthly to low income and vulnerable household to enable them meet their dietary needs. It should also enforce existing policies that protect consumers against unpredictable food price spikes in the country.

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How to Cite
Wahu, J., & Mugalava, V. (2023). Effects of Food Prices on Dietary Intake of Pre-Primary Children in Low Income Peri-Urban Households in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 8(1), 143-153. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2023.81168