Reliability and Availability of Renewable Energy Sources in Kenya: A Review

  • Keter Amos Kiprono Rift Valley Technical Training Institute
  • Hoseah Kiplagat University of Eldoret
Keywords: Reliability, availability, renewable energy, alternate


The research sought to evaluate the reliability and availability of renewable energy sources in Kenya by examining the available literature regarding the state of energy production and consumption of the renewable energy sources. Several studies have been conducted to establish the capacity of the renewable electrical power sources including hydroelectric power, geothermal sources, wind power, solar energy and biofuels. Regarding production of electricity, the existing capacity is barely able to keep up with demand. The research used systematic review as the methodology of collecting relevant data for analysis. Given that more than 38% (2021) of Kenya’s electricity comes from hydropower, the situation is particularly difficult during the dry months of the year when water levels are low. Capacity gaps are then compensated by expensive thermal generation based on fossil fuels. Geothermal power has the capacity to be the most significant source of renewable energy with a potential of up to 7000MW. The reliability indices of the renewable energy sources, based on System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) are at 1.98 (SAIFI) and at 4.37, based on the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI), which are below the international global standards. The research concluded that increased consumption of electricity, availability of alternate energy sources, amount of restoration time and number of planned interruptions have a significance influence on the reliability of a renewable energy source, with restoration time being the most significant. It is therefore recommended that new technologies and innovations that lead to reduced power interruptions and greenhouse gas emission be adopted.

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How to Cite
Kiprono, K., & Kiplagat, H. (2024). Reliability and Availability of Renewable Energy Sources in Kenya: A Review. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 9(1), 28-35. Retrieved from