A Framework for Integrating Emerging Technologies into Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) are some of the trending technologies that are significantly impacting the world. AI aims to produce machines capable of tasks requiring thinking and intelligence. AI systems are exploding in all industries and all sectors of human activities. VR uses modelling and simulation to produce systems that enable people to interact with virtual objects in virtual environments. In contrast, AR modifies the real-world environment by adding computer-generated objects. The combination of VR and AR has led to the metaverse technology already used in industry and education. IoT is about using small devices connected to the internet to monitor and control physical objects or systems remotely or to collect valuable data from the environment. While all these technologies have great promises and potential positive impacts on education, there is no obvious way of integrating them into the educational system. This study aims to design a framework for assessing and integrating emerging technologies to their full potential in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems. The research uses an exploratory design with secondary data collected from existing literature. The analysis of existing literature helped in identifying the key skills and competencies that TVET programmes must deliver. Then, the potential impacts of emerging technologies on these skills are derived. The study proposes 1) a method for assessing the potential of a technology and 2) a method for determining the highest possible level of integrating technology in TVET. The study also provides valuable recommendations to TVET institution administrators, trainers, and trainee. Therefore, this paper's main contribution is introducing a new framework for integrating AI, AR/VR and IoT into TVET education. TVET institutions administrators, trainers and trainee are the primary beneficiaries of the outcome of this research. The main limitation of this study is that its application requires expertise.
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