An Assessment of the Trainers’ Competence in Implementing Online Teaching and Learning in TVET: A Case of Selected Institutions, in Nandi County
Due to the ever-changing technological environment and digitization of education, Trainers need to use new technologies for content delivery to the trainees. The acceptance and willingness of trainers to use online learning is the key to success and is faced with various challenges. Trainers must use communication technology skills to fit successfully in a knowledge-based society. Moreover, regardless of the availability of technology, trainers need ICT skills for online teaching and learning. The study sought to assess the trainers’ competence in implementing e-Learning in technical institutions. A descriptive research design was used in the study; structured questionnaires, both open-ended and closed, were issued to a sample size of n=77 trainer participants in the six selected technical training institutes in Nandi County. The study revealed that 81.8 % (n=63) of the respondents received prior technical training in e-learning. Trainers also reported difficulty in using the e-Learning platform. Technological expertise is essential to ensure the success of e-learning. Inadequate computer literacy hindered many trainers from content delivery using e-Learning, especially during Covid-19 lockdown times. It was evident that most trainers struggled with the online platforms, accessibility of learning equipment such as whiteboards, projectors, low internet connectivity, and inadequate training skills attributed to slow implementation. The study revealed that trainers had difficulty using the e-Learning platform issued. This is due to the inadequate training that they had received and the complex system used. The study found that trainers preferred other platforms which were user-friendly for e-Learning. Additionally, the institutions’ LAN network is limited to the laboratories and institution library only; hence, some offices at a distance from the administration cannot access the LAN internet. Implementing online learning requires the stakeholders to come together to make online learning successful.
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