The Relationship between Family Income Levels on Sexual Violence against Children and the Implication on Education Attainment
Internalized Stigma, HIV, social demographic characteristics
Sexual violence against children occurs in the home, school, and workplace. Urban areas are reported to provide a more fertile ground for various types of violence. The vice is highly prevalent for the youth both male and female. Guided by resource theory of violence which suggests a relationship between wealth and violence at household level, this paper examines the relationship between family income levels on sexual violence against children and the implication on education attainment. It used descriptive survey design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide in-depth data and to determine how relationships exist between economic variables and variables of sexual violence. The study population comprised of high school students, who were selected through random sampling at cluster level. The high school students bear strong implication for TVET access as prospective students. Findings exhibit sharp gender based variations in recognizing different forms of violence. Assessment of the prevalence levels of sexual violence show that more girls than boys are affected. Linear relationship between family income levels and violence prevalence rate further shows a strong correlation between the two variables. Holding income as the independent variable, while acts of violence as dependent variable, the association exhibits an inverse relation. The trend of this association sheds light on the impact the two variables have on educational outcomes at tertiary levels. Sexual abuse bears a negative impact on childrens educational attainment, at different levels from primary through tertiary institutions. It is therefore necessary to enhance equity in education at TVET level ensuring proportionate financing to realize equal returns and address the challenge of sexual violence in learning institutions.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Kevane, M. (2004) Chapter 2: Explaining Underdevelopment in Africa in Women and
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Macdonald F. (2012) Spotlight on Economic Abuse: a Literature and Policy Review (Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service and Kildonan Uniting Care, 2012) ISBN 978-0-9871110-3-6
Mudaly, C., & C. Goddard (2006). The Truth is Longer than a Lie: Childrens experiences of abuse and professional interventions, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2006
Mugawe, D. & Powell, A. (2006). Born to High Risk: Violence Against Girls in Africa. The African Child Policy Forum
Mukesh E. (2014). Why Gender Matters in Economics. Princeton University Press, ISBN 9780691121734 and 9781400852376 (e-book) Published 3 September 2014
National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV), (2011). The Costs and Consequences of Sexual Violence and Cost-Effective Solutions April 2011. Retrieved from: \
Oando, S., Nambiri J., Mailu E., & Mangunyi E. (2014). Transforming Girls Education in a Violence Free Environment: A Baseline Survey. Safe Schools for Girls Project, Action Aid International Kenya and Department of Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. March 2014, Nairobi. Kenya.
Own & Associates (2011). The Status of Girls Education and Violence in Wenje Division A Baseline Survey of Gender Based Patterns in Tana River District of the Coast Province Kenya. Stop Violence Against Girls In School Project. Own and associates: Center for Research and Development, and Actionaid International Kenya. Nairobi.
Parkes, J. & Heslop, J. (2013). "Stop Violence Against Girls in School: A cross-country analysis of change in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique" London: ActionAid International
Parkes, J., Heslop J., Oando S., Sabaa S., Januario F., & Figue A., (2013). Conceptualising gender and violence in research: Insights from studies in schools and communities in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique. International Journal of Education and Development (2013).
Republic of Kenya (2014). Education for All: The 2015 National Review, Ministry of Education Science and Technology Report, 2014. Nairobi, Kenya
Republic of Kenya (2012). Violence against Children in Kenya: Findings from a 2010
National Survey, Nairobi, Kenya, United Nations Childrens Fund Kenya Country Office, Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2012
Republic of Kenya (2006). the Sexual Offences Act, 2006, National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney General, Nairobi
Rumbold, V. (2008) Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Africa; Literature Review, Population Council/Swedish Norwegian (S-N) Regional HIV and AIDS team in Africa
United Nations Childrens Fund (2014). Eliminating Discrimination against Children and Parents Based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity, UNICEF Position Paper, no. 9, May 2014
Wainaina G. (2006). An Inequality Perspective of Education Structure and Performance in Kenya. In: Society for International Development in Readings on Inequality in Kenya: Sectoral Dynamics and Perspectives. Nairobi: Society for International Development (SID). Ch. 5
Ward J., Lee B, Baptist S., and Jackson H., (2010). Evidence for Action: Gender Equality and Economic Growth, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, September, 2010
World Bank (2011) Violence in the City: Understanding and Supporting Community Responses to Urban Violence. Washington DC: World Bank
World Health Organization (2013). Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women: WHO clinical and policy guidelines. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2013
Zoneziwoh M. W. (2011). Sexual Violence on University Campuses: The Case of University of Buea, ALC Working Paper, No. 2, Peace security and development fellowships for African scholars 2010/2011, December 2011.
How to Cite
O, O., W, O., & S, P. (2016). The Relationship between Family Income Levels on Sexual Violence against Children and the Implication on Education Attainment. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 1(1), 206-216.
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