Trainee-Based Factors influencing Dropout Trends in Youth Polytechnics in Kenya

  • Hoseah Kiplagat University of Eldoret, Eldoret
  • Ahmed Ferej University of Eldoret, Eldoret
  • Patrick Kafu University of Eldoret, Eldoret
Keywords: Trainee-based factors, drop-out trends, Youth Polytechnics


Despite the annual increase in TVET enrolments in Kenya, there has been poor completion rates of those enrolled especially YP trainees. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of trainee-based factors on the drop-out trends in Youth Polytechnics (YPs) in Kenya. To address the purpose of this study, the following questions were formulated; what is the trainees’ entry behaviour in YPs? What are the trainees’ completion trends in YPs? What are the respondents’ perceptions of the trainee-based factors influencing drop-out in YPs? This study adopted Theory of Student Departure. While there are three curricula followed in the YPs, this study focused on the latest introduced in 2008, the National Vocational Certificate of Education and Training (NVCET) Curriculum. The study was conducted in four counties: Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi and Kakamega. The selected five sites had implemented the NVCET curriculum and were also centers of Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC). This study adopted descriptive research design and data was collected using two sets of questionnaires and interview schedules. Survey data was collected first from 37 purposively selected instructors, 170 simple randomly selected second year, 9 purposively selected third year, and 3 conveniently selected fourth year trainees. Interviews were organized with the four County Directors of Youth Training and five Youth Polytechnic Managers who were purposively selected to participate in the study since they were deemed to possess valuable information for this study because of their respective positions. Document analysis was also used to enrich data collection. The responses from the interviews and open-ended items in the questionnaire were coded and analyzed thematically. The findings of this study revealed that early pregnancies and marriages, cases of indiscipline such as drug abuse, low entry qualification of trainees, employment opportunities during the course of study, poor performance and lack of interest in their training influenced trainee low completion rates. This study recommends the following; YPs and families should enhance guidance and counseling programs, community sensitization towards supporting trainees should be enhanced, introduction of psycho-social support programs, and the urgent review of the NVCET curriculum.

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How to Cite
Kiplagat, H., Ferej, A., & Kafu, P. (2017). Trainee-Based Factors influencing Dropout Trends in Youth Polytechnics in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 85-94.