Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Flexible Teaching Approaches In Technical Training Institutions In Kenya
Flexible approach, Institutional factors
The goal of training in technical training institutions is to produce highly skilled graduates with competencies to handle various challenges in technology oriented fields. The continuing need to improve the quality of education in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is ever present. Therefore, effective teaching at these institutions is important to enhance quality of its graduates. This paper highlights the factors influencing the adoption of flexible approaches to teaching in technical training institutions in Kenya. Two specific objectives are addressed here are to establish how the syllabus content influences the adoption of flexible approaches to teaching and evaluate how institutional factors influence the adoption flexible approaches to teaching. The study was guided by a conceptual framework developed by the author. This study was conducted through descriptive research design. Data were collected from seven technical training colleges in Western Kenya. The method of data collection was through open and closed-ended structured questionnaires, and interview schedules. Collected data were coded in SPSS 17.0, and analysed using descriptive statistics. The study established that institutional managers had no authority to develop their own courses that are tailor-made to suit specific needs in the market. The teaching resources that influence the adoption of flexible learning and teaching were also found to be unavailable in classrooms. Most institutions however had put in place strategic objectives to improve the quality of learning and teaching. Outputs from this study are expected to enhance the adoption of flexible learning in technical training institutions. In light of the findings of the study, it was recommended that the government of Kenya should establish a clear policy aimed at greater adaptability to flexibility. Institutions need to be granted authority to develop and reorganise syllabi for provision of industry-specific solutions while being regulated to meet international standards.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Shurville, S., O’Grady, T., & Mayall, P. (2008). Educational and institutional flexibility of Australian educational software. Campus wide information systems, 25(2), 74-84.
Simiyu, J. W. (2007). Introducing e-learning as a strategy to increase enrolment in TVET. 1st African UNESCO-UNEVOC Summit on access and inclusion for TVET in Africa through new ICT-based solutions. Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi: UNESCO. Retrieved from www.unevoc.unesco.org: www.onevoc.unesco. org/publications
Stredwick, J., & Ellis, S. (2005). Flexible working. New York: CIPD Publishing.
Terry, D. (2000). Changing university teaching: Reflections on creating educational technologies, open and distance learning series. Hove, United Kingdom:Psychology Press.
Tucker, C. R. (2013, March). The basics of blended instruction. Technology-Rich Learning, 70(6), 57-60.
How to Cite
Tiony, A., Kitainge, K., & Ferej, A. (2017). Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Flexible Teaching Approaches In Technical Training Institutions In Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 122-131. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2017.2143
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