Factors Influencing Motivation of Part-time TVET Lecturers from Industries in Mombasa
TVET, Part-time teachers, pedagogical knowledge, motivation
Part-time lecturers play an important and increasingly indispensable role in TVET institutions. Many such trainers are practitioners in industry and bring with them experience, skills and practical knowledge that expose and prepare learners to realities of industry. Despite this, many TVET institutions continue to manage the visiting faculty in an ad hoc manner. The objectives of the study were to investigate factors that influence motivation of TVET part time trainers and by extension their performance; drivers, and environment under which they operate in. Data was collected from 50 respondents from two TVET institutions in Mombasa. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, and face to face interviews with heads of departments from Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) and Mombasa Technical Training Institute (MTTI) in Mombasa, Kenya. The study found that minimal involvement, poor communication, remuneration delays and lack of equipment were some of the factors that affected their motivation. The study recommended an attitude change amongst Technical Institutes (TI) managers, involvement in decision making and organization of special forums to bring together all faculty members for better collaboration.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Caulton, J. R. (2012). The development and use of the theory of ERG: A literature review. Emerging Leader Journeys , Vol 5 (Issue No 1). Retrieved from www. regent.edu/acad /global /publications/elj/ELJ_Vol5No1_Caulton_pp2-8. pdf
Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Adogan, B. (2012). Management principles. Retrieved from http://2012books.lardbucket.org/attribution.html?utm_source=header.
Grant, A. M., & Shin, J. (2011). Work Motivation: Directing, energizing, and maintaining effort (and research). In R. M. (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Motivation (p. Forthcoming). London: Oxford University Press Kirchberger, A. TVET Developments in Europe, Africa and Asia. World Bank Institute.
Kirchberger, A., (2012). TVET Developments in Europe, Africa and Asia. World Bank Institute.
Kyule, A., Kangu, M., Wambua, P., Bernandette, M., & Stephen, K. (2014). Strategizing on cost: Effect of part time lecturers on university education in Kenya. Prime Journal of Social Science (ISSN: 2315 - 5051), 603 - 608. Retrieved from https://www. primejournal.org/PJSS/pdf/2014/feb/Kyule%20 et%20al.pdf
Sang, A. K., Muthaa, G. M., & Mbugua, Z. K. (2012). Challenges facing technical training in Kenya. Creative education, Vol 3 (No. 1), 109 - 113.
Tuckman, H. P., Caldwell, J. Vogler, W. (1978). Part-Timers and the academic labor market of the eighties. The American Sociologist. Vol. 13, No. 4 pp. 184-195.
Uddin, R., Hoque, N., Ibrahim, M., & Mamun, A. (2014). Work motivation: A study on regular and part-time employees of Badhladesh . International Journal of Management & Business Resources, 236 - 245.
UNESCO. (2001). Technical and vocational education and training for the 21st Century: UNESCO Recommendations. Paris: UNESCO.
University of Columbia. (2004). Columbia encyclopedia. New York: Columbia University Press.
Weiss, C., & Pankin, R. (2011, September 25). Part-time faculty in higher education. Retrieved April 28th, 2016, from Digital Commons @ RIC: http://digitalcommons. ric.edu/facultypublications/276
Winters, M. E. (2015). Part-time faculty: Semantics and the meaning of contingent teaching. Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, 1 - 16.
Wittchen, G. H. (2016). Work motivation. Introduction to work and organizational psychology: A European perspective. (To be Published).
How to Cite
Miano, K., Jenze, B., & Odongo, W. (2017). Factors Influencing Motivation of Part-time TVET Lecturers from Industries in Mombasa. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 172-181. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2017.2151
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