The Existing Systems of Customer Relations Activities in Bungoma County Referral Hospital

  • Simiyu Judith Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. William Sakataka Mount Kenya University
  • Wasike Edward Wanyonyi Mount Kenya University
Keywords: Customer relations, Bungoma County Referral Hospital


Customer Relations as a process, is taking a Centre stage as a management function in many corporate and government institutions. The purpose of this study was to describe the existing systems of Customer Relations Activities at Bungoma County Referral Hospital. The study adopted a descriptive survey design that was used to investigate existing Customer Relations Activities in the performance of Bungoma County Referral Hospital. Main data collection instruments were structured and self-administered questionnaires and structured interviews. This technique was used because questioning gave the respondents the required opportunity to answer the questions willingly and with an open mind. Data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively in response to study questions. The analyzed data is presented in a report through use of tables, charts and narrative. The study found out that cases of employee relations, community relations and the use of media were commonly employed by the hospital as the major forms of Customer Relations Activities. The study recommends that the government should avail Customer Relations Officers to the hospital so as to aid in effective implementation of the available forms of Customer Relations Activities. This study faced two major constraints: first, the respondents were not quick in responding to the administered questionnaires given to the nature of the questioning which somehow touched on personal life and secondly, some of the records containing relevant information for the study were not accessible hence, the researcher gave respondents more time and worked with the available information.

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How to Cite
Judith, S., Sakataka, D. W., & Wanyonyi, W. (2017). The Existing Systems of Customer Relations Activities in Bungoma County Referral Hospital. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 191-202.