Green Economy Marketing in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Kenya
A Case of Technical University of Mombasa
Green Skills, Green Economy, TVET, Green Skills Learning
Green skills are relevant for Sustainable Development for the modern economy. To adapt green economy, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) are important in the contribution towards its success and training of skilled workers. With the climate change impact and emerging environmental challenges for sustainable development, businesses, industries and society are required to respond to these detrimental effects. To transit to green economy, the public and private sector should involve TVET institutions to provide green competences required by employers. The objectives of this study were to examine green economy learning for green human capital, and the readiness of TVET institutions in response to green economy and training roles; to investigate linkage between green economy education and training in curriculum; and to determine the relationship between green skills training and jobs placement. This study is based on theories of green growth and green development. The case study of Technical University of Mombasa was selected using simple random sampling technique and analyzed 7 departments with a size sample of 80 out of the population of 116 lecturers in the institution. Secondary and Primary data was collected through document analysis and questionnaires issued to respondents among a selected sample of the academic Practitioners in Technical University of Mombasa (TUM). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the primary data. From primary data findings, the study concluded that there is a need to enhance future green skills for green economy and TVET should focus more on green skills education and trainings in Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) skill related courses. The study recommends that TVET curriculum development should be realigned to embrace green skills for the job market to solve the African and global job problems for sustainable development and educators should be trained on relevant green skills.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Majumdar, S. (2010). Greening TVET: Connecting the dots in TVET for sustainable development. Paper presented in the 16th IVETA-CPSC International Conference on “Education for Sustainable Development in TVET” Manila, Philippines
Marope, P., Chakroun, B., & Holmes, K. (2015). Unleashing the potential: Transforming technical and vocational education and training. Paris: UNESCO
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Pavlova, M. (2011). Economic competitiveness and 'green skills' development: Issues and concerns for research. Presented at the International Conference, Green Korea 2011, Seoul.
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Simiyu, W. J., (2010). Factors influencing the attractiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institution: A case study of a technical institute in Kenya. Eldoret: Moi University Press.
Technical University of Mombasa. (2018). TUM partners with Italian University for unique MBA program. Retrieved May 26, 2018
UNCD. (2012). The future we want. A/Conf.216/L.I *
UNEP. (2011). Towards a green economy: Pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication. Nairobi: UNEP.
UNEP. (2014). Green economy assessment report– Kenya. UNEP
UNESCO. (2007). Education for likelihoods and civic participation in post-conflict countries: Conceptualizing holistic approach to TVET planning in Sub-SaharanAfrica. UNESCO, Bonn.
UNESCO. (2014). Shaping the future we want. UNESCO, Paris
UNESCO. (2015). World TVET database.UNESCO, Kenya. Paris.
World Bank. (2012). Inclusive green growth: The pathways to sustainable development. Washington DC: World Bank.
World Bank. (2018). The World Bank in Kenya. Retrieved May 27, 2018.
How to Cite
Bozo, B., & Chilibasi, K. (2019). Green Economy Marketing in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 2-12.
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