Enhancing Green Learning and Training in TVET Institutions through Digital Libraries in Nyeri County, Kenya

  • Rose Muthoni Mukundi The Nyeri National Polytechnic, Kenya
  • Wanjiru Njuki The Nyeri National Polytechnic, Kenya
Keywords: Green Learning, Green Learning and Training, digital libraries, greening curriculum


TVET institutions all over the world and Kenya in particular have experienced low uptake of their courses for a very long time since the youth consider them secondary to university degrees. These institutions need to transform and revitalize themselves for acceptability by youth as a preference for post-secondary education. Green skills are an integral part of vocational competence and are key to sustainable development. Green learning and training in TVET through Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) would attract the attention of the majority youth towards adopting green skills geared to self-sustainability hence contributing towards sustainable development. However, sustainable development is not a fixed concept; rather it is a culturally-directed search for a dynamic balance in the relationships between social, economic and natural systems, a balance that seeks to promote equity between countries, races, social classes and genders. The objective of the study was to establish how the digital libraries were enhancing green learning and training in TVET institutions in contribution towards sustainable development. The study employed explorative and descriptive research methodologies and adopted purposive sampling. The target population included all TVET institutions in Nyeri County, Kenya. Data collection and data analysis tools were used for data process and presentation. The findings of the study were that digital libraries have contributed in enhancing green learning and training in TVET institutions through CBET for sustainable development. The conclusions were that digital libraries had a role to play towards enhancing green learning and training, there were several factors affecting implementation of digital libraries, and digital library implementation had positive effect on green learning and training in TVET institutions. In view of this, implementation of green CBET courses mainly targeting the youth by TVET institutions would go a long way in supporting green economy. The study recommended that TVET institutions should put in mechanism for implementing digital libraries for green learning and training.

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How to Cite
Mukundi, R., & Njuki, W. (2019). Enhancing Green Learning and Training in TVET Institutions through Digital Libraries in Nyeri County, Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 13-23. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2019.4177