Perception towards Youth Polytechnic Training in Nandi County

  • Dorcas Serem University of Eldoret
  • Valentine Chepchirchir University of Eldoret
Keywords: Youth Polytechnic, Non-formal employment, Perception, TVET


The Government of Kenya has invested in Youth Polytechnics because it has realized that technical and vocational skills at lower and middle levels are very important in manufacturing and service providing industries. These industries play a role in the development of the country. Enrolling in youth polytechnic will also eliminate idling of the youth in society while preparing them for formal and non-formal employment and for self-employment. However, technical and vocational training has had its own challenges since its introduction during colonial era as a fitting education for the Africans such as low enrollment of local populations, lack of data on graduate career progression and outcome, and gender imbalance in enrollment favouring males over females. The aim of this study was to find out the perception of the Nandi County population towards youth polytechnic training. The objectives were: to establish the perception of parents towards youth polytechnic training; to establish the perception of primary and secondary school teachers towards the youth polytechnic training, and to determine attitudes of the youth in primary and secondary schools towards youth polytechnic training. Youth polytechnics were identified and cluster sampling was used to identify one from each of the five constituencies of the county. Parents, teachers and students were randomly sampled and data was collected using questionnaires. The data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings reveal respondents positive attitudes and perceptions towards youth polytechnic training in Nandi County with regard to acquiring skills for gainful employment and as an avenue to furthering ones education. However, the teachers were the least aware of sources of funding for youth polytechnic training and were less likely to recommend students to pursue such training, which perpetuates the stigmatization of youth polytechnic training in the County. This study concludes that youth polytechnic training still fulfils the governments vision for achieving a skilled workforce while curbing ills that tend to befall idle youth. Consequently, it is recommended to improve youth polytechnic training in the County through sensitizations, increased funding, introduction of extracurricular activities, improvement of facilities, tracking of graduates in the marketplace, and early identification of students talents by teachers in order to guide them towards technical and vocational training.

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How to Cite
Serem, D., & Chepchirchir, V. (2016). Perception towards Youth Polytechnic Training in Nandi County. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 1(1), 12-20.