Information Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises
A Vehicle for Implementing Youth Employment Policies in Kenya
Information Systems, SME youth, employment policy
This study set out to establish the influence of Information Systems in small and micro enterprises, as a vehicle for implementing youth employment policies in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to asses the role of information systems in SMEs as avenues for implementing youth employment policies; identify role of youth employment policies and the role of TVET sector in youth employment. The study used descriptive survey design. The sample size consisted of the 15 Small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) that were registered, offer loans to members of the public and operate in their own premises. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that most SMEs could not apply the information systems in their operations because of the high cost involved. Most youth employment policies have not been successful. Most parents and learners have not embraced TVET courses as avenues to youth employment preferring to take up university courses. The study further found that most SMEs had not exhausted the optimum employment capacity and contributed to youth unemployment in Kenya. The study also found out that there were no proper policies on youth employment in SMEs, and also the role of TVET on youth training and employment was not well realized. The study recommended that SMEs should invest in the information systems to enhance customer relationship management; education, training and mentorship; monitoring and evaluation; and for research and development in order to create employment opportunities for the youth; TVET institutions in conjunction with SMEs should come with a proper curriculum designed to meet market needs to ensure youth employment; and the government should have proper policies to enhance youth employment in SMEs.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Hawking, P., & Brendan, M. (2004). Integrating E-Learning content into enterprise resource planning (ERP) curriculum. Issues of Information Science and Information Technology, 23-30.
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KIPPRA. (2018). Policy monitor supporting sustainable development through research and capacity building, KIPPRA Policy Monitor. 9(3)
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Lau, L. K. (2003). Developing a successful implementation plan for ERP: Issues and challenges. IACIS, 223-229.
Leaders, Y. A. (2013, July). Addressing youth unemployment at national and county level. YOUTH AGENDA:Making the youth Factor Count. Nairobi, Youth Agenda.
Mwangi, I. W., & Wanjau, K. L. (2012). The role of SACCO in growth of youth entrepreneurship in Kenya: A case of Nairobi County. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 113-118.
Njihia, E., & Mwirigi, F. M. (2014). The effects of enterprise resource system on firms performance. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 120-129.
Orodho. (2003). Essentials of education and social science research methods. Nairobi: Mosala Publishers.
Partnerships, A. D. (2010). Automation of Sacco's: Assessment of potential solutions. Nairobi: Financial Sector Deepening.
Shoemaker, M. E. (2003). What marketing students need to know about enterprise resource planning (ERP) Systems. Marketing Education Review, 69-77.
Shreeve, R., Gibb, J., & Ribeiro, S. (2013). From TVET to workforce development. Skill development for inclusive and sustainable growth in developing Asia-Pacific. New York: Springer. pp 126 – 13
Subrahmanyam, G., & Ananiadou, K. (2013). Tackling youth unemployment through TVET. Germany: UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vacational Education and Training in Germany. /pf0000225531
Swartz, D., & Orgil, K. (2001). Deployment study. Retrieved from
Tansen, M. H. (2012). Public private partnership (PPP) in the technical vocational education and training (TVET) sector in Bangladesh: Challenges and prospects. Retrieved from: http://www.periglobal. org/sites/periglobal. org/files/19.PPP_in_TVET_Bangladesh% 28Tansen%29.pdf
Tian, F., & Xu, S. X. (2015). How do ERP system affect firm's risk? Post-implementation impact. MIS Quarterly, 39-60
World Bank & Kenya Vision 2030. (2014, January). Youth Employment initiatives in Kenya. Report of a Review Commissioned by the World Bank and Kenya Vision 2030. WB Group. Delter Center. Nairobi. WB_Youth-Employment-Initiatives-Report-13515.pdf
Zornada, L. & Velkavrh, T. B. (2005, June). Implementing ERP System in Higher Education System. Information Technology Interfaces 20-23. Cavtata, Croatia: Faculty of Management Koper
How to Cite
Sitati, R., & Cheloti, S. (2019). Information Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 150-161.
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