Harnessing Youth Energy for Unity in Kenya

A Study into the Role of Secondary Education in the Fostering of National Cohesion in Kenya

  • Bulbulen Arap Maritim Moi University,Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: Secondary education, curriculum, National Cohesion


The development of a national feeling in Kenya which overrides ethnic loyalties rests in bringing about much more conscious unity training through secondary school education system than is practised at present. Past efforts such as common language, examination and co-curricular activities have been used with little success. The study used descriptive survey design in which the existing situation in secondary schools was explored in so far as unity is concerned. The study targeted secondary schools in Uasin Gishu County and the respondents included the school heads, teachers, students and educational officials. Simple random sampling was used to select the respondents to be included in the sample, and questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data from 11 schools randomly selected from the 48 public secondary schools in the district. Three pilot schools were used to test the validity (0.86) and reliability (0.321) of the instruments. The collected data was examined using descriptive statistical techniques. The research findings indicated that secondary education foster national unity to some degree but more is needed. The research is intended to provide a guide to educators and policymakers in formulating sound philosophy to guide curriculum and other policies that promote the development of cohesive virtues amongst the learners. Teaching and learning activities should be purposefully directed towards the promotion of unity among the learners of different ethnic communities.

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How to Cite
Maritim, B. (2019). Harnessing Youth Energy for Unity in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 185-196. https://doi.org/10.69641/afritvet.2019.4193