Socio-Economic Factors influencing Repetition and Dropout Rates in Primary Schools in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Baringo County, Kenya
Social, economic, wastage, repetition and dropouts, inclusion
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors leading to educational wastage in Arid and Semi–Arid areas of Baringo County which currently has a total of 111 public primary schools. The objectives of the study were to: determine social factors that influence pupils ‘repetition and dropouts and to establish the economic factors that affect repetition and dropout. The constructivist learning theory guided the study. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study targeted teachers, parents, and pupils. Simple random sampling was used to pick the representative school of a sample size of 226 respondents. The data was collected by use of survey, interviews and review of secondary data from the schools ‘records in the ten schools and the County Education Office. The data comprised of mainly quantitative data and was analyzed using descriptive statistics with help of SPSS. The school dropout was associated with institutional and home related factors: lack of food, inadequate parental motivation and overburdening pupils with household during school days. The factors established to influence repetition and dropout were marriages, lack of adequate learning materials, and lack of interest in education by parents, poverty and early pregnancy related issues. The relevant Government Ministries, NGOs and other stakeholders need to institutionalize mechanisms for addressing the plight of learners in disaster/drought afflicted areas. The study recommends that the girl mothers should be encouraged to rejoin school.Article Views and Downloands Counter
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Kohonen, V. (1992). Experiential language learning: Second language learning as cooperative learner education. In D. Nunan (Ed.), Collaborative language learning and teaching, 17-32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Levy, M. B. (2001). Determinants of primary school dropouts in developing countries. Comparative Education Review, 44-58.
Ngware, W. (1994). The nature, trend and causes of primary school wastage in Kenya. A case study of primary schools in Rumuruti and Ngarawa divisions of
Laikipia County. (Master‘s Thesis). Moi University.
Robinson, C. C., Mandelco, B., Olsen, S. F., & Hart, C. H. (1995). Authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting practices. Development of a new measure. Psychological Reports, 77, 819-830.
UNESCO. (2005). EFA Global monitoring report 2005: Education for all, the quality imperative. Paris: UNESCO.
UNESCO. (2006). EFA Global monitoring report 2007: Strong foundations. Early childhood care and education. Paris: UNESCO Publishing.
UNESCO. (2009). Education for sustainable development lens. Unpublished document. Paris: UNESCO.
UNICEF. (2002). A statistical study of wastage at school. Paris: UNESCO.
UNICEF. (2002). Education and development in the less developed nations. Paris:
Walker, L. V. (2003). Student, parental and family factor related to high school attendance. Dissertation Abstract International Vol.44 No.12, 3653.
Willis, D. (1993). Syllabus corpus and data-driven learning. In C. Kennedy (Ed.): Plenaries from the 1993 IATEFL Conference, Swansea, Wales.
Woldehanna, T., J. Hoddinott, F. Ellis & S. Dercon, 2008. Dynamics of growth and poverty in Ethiopia: 1995/96-2004/05. Report submitted to Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Addis Ababa.
How to Cite
Serem, F., & Everlyn, C. (2017). Socio-Economic Factors influencing Repetition and Dropout Rates in Primary Schools in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Baringo County, Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2(1), 95-104.
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